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Domain price Domain price
  gr € 10.00  
  åë € 10.00  
  eu € 17.85  
  com € 17.02  
  net € 17.85  
  org € 21.77  
  biz € 28.23  
  de € 14.88  
  co € 40.32  
  tel € 22.58  
  ru € 29.76  
  es € 18.55  
  uk € 13.71 € 10.00 € 41.13 € 10.00 € 10.00 € 10.00 € 15.32 € 10.00 € 32.26  
Prices taken from pricelist 1, are for one year domain registration and does not include tax 24%
Terms & Conditions full screen send print Share

The company has the right to modify these Terms and Conditions.
The company has the responsibility to immediately inform the text refers to the trading conditions when deciding on any change in conditions.
The online store of our company follows the international and European law on electronic commerce transaction as well as the Consumer Protection Law (Law 2251/1994), which regulates matters of sales from a distance.
The online store allows customers to change the user name and the password, if they so wish.
The personal data will remain intact only the system now recognizes the customer with different secret password


General terms of product sale
The Customer states that responsible:
  • The data says is true and not knowingly violate the rights of third-party requested to register domain name
  • He wishes to make the necessary action in accordance with the submitted in this application
  • He knows that if a legal person, the person declaring the specific binding entity.
  • Aware that some services (ie domain registration) will receive the email order and additional emails confirming the activation of the service.
  • He knows for certain services, how to confirm the activation of the service (For a domain name, that will be in the "Customers Area" > "My domains". For a hosting package that will be in the" Customers Area" > "My hosting packages". In these areas may consider the confirmation of service activation).
  • In any case, be responsible to monitor the proper execution of his order
Terms of sale hosting service
  1. The term "hosting (web hosting)" is a very widespread and common terminology for the Internet and therefore accept the COMPANY and the CUSTOMER that the conditions referred to herein are understood by both the company and the CLIENT.
  2. The company provides hosting (web hosting), organized in datacenter infrastructure, both in Greece and the USA
  3. The company provides hosting (web hosting), a highest-speed Internet networks.
  4. The company provides hosting (web hosting), either proprietary or in the Servers Servers leased exclusively by third parties for use by customers.
  5. The company provides hosting (web hosting), or operating system Linux™, or in MS-Windows™, or in special cases and other recognized internationally operating systems.
  6. The company provides hosting (web hosting), to various degrees, as indicative: shared email hosting, shared web hosting, asp hosting, co-location hosting, dedicated server hosting, managed hosting, streaming hosting and more.
  7. The company states that the terms mentioned in this is used worldwide on issues relating to the hosting (web hosting), for which it maintains official website (website) in which the Internet provides a wealth of information and updates for customers COMPANY (the site is
  8. The company in order to adapt to the technological changes shape as all hosting services (web hosting) to provide its customers with best technical standards and the same cost. On the other hand, the CUSTOMER acknowledges that the hosting services (web hosting) are constantly evolving and should visit the official website to be informed about the changes to the services provided by COMPANY.
  9. Purpose of hospitality is to gain access to the client on the Internet for use of advanced information services provided by this network and international cooperation grid INTERNET users.
  10. Through these interfaces the Company provides the customer the opportunity to show its commercial activity and to provide information to guest users of Internet.
  11. COMPANY is not responsible for the security of transactions and the proper handling of sales orders and users over the network in which the Web Site of the client or clients that unless they are the manufacturer of the Web Site so responsibilities specified in the relevant construction contract of Web Site.
  12. H COMPANY responsibility is limited to placing the responsibility of the network for legitimate use. COMPANY does not guarantee the quality, efficiency and security services for any part of any telecommunications service interval, the client or clients or other networks that are used and not incur any liability for problems of network functionality due to the operation of networks or third persons, other than that specified by the telecommunications legislation, namely the proportional reduction of the consideration when the shutdown like last beyond the time that current law provides.
  13. The CUSTOMER acknowledges that the Internet is an open environment and must act with excessive care, taking appropriate security measures to prevent unauthorized use of network and data codes (user name, password) from third authorized or not persons. The CUSTOMER shall when granting him such information within twenty-four (24) hours after ordering and receiving the first account information, to make a change all passwords using the services that the Company has made available users. He further required to memorize the details of the personal account, not to indicate that in subjects carrying or make accessible to others. Nor permit the use of codes and other data to monitor the movement of the statistical account.
  14. With the customer's responsibility to ensure the content of the pages will not be contrary to law and morality. The CUSTOMER is responsible before the law and by the content of the pages. Any use contrary to the above except the attachment of criminal or civil penalties interrupt the host without further notice and without being entitled to the refund already paid. The company must provide the services agreed upon, provided that access and use of its network made under the Act, fair trade practices and contract terms. Any use contrary (including but not limited to unauthorized access and use of network COMPANY or third computer systems via the network COMPANY), except for any criminal and / or civil penalties, gives the company the right to terminate the hosting. It is expressly agreed and stipulated that the company any where like denounced by another person or entity if Internet access or unauthorized use or attempted undertaking such operations may temporarily suspend immediately the use of its network and refer the case to the EETT and if (after compliance with all legal proceedings) to confirm the failure to terminate the definitive hospitality otherwise required to restore the telecommunication link, without any liability to the for the period during which the connection was off the Subject of the telecommunications legislation.
  15. COMPANY a claim for any damage restoration, which is a causal connection with unconventional and illegal or wrongful acts or omissions of the customer is still entitled to reclaim and Third-party customers in each event that he wanted sued by third persons losses incurred due to unlawful act or omission by CLIENT, regardless of fault of the latter.
  16. COMPANY in any event be entitled to terminate its hospitality and to temporarily or permanently suspend access to its network in the cases specified in the relevant telecommunications legislation.
  17. COMPANY is under the obligation to present any access and use the network as the telecommunications equipment CUSTOMER are not officially certified nor any liability to the client or third party in cases where non-certified equipment. Contrast is right to stop providing services if they wanted found using unauthorized equipment.
  18. Ground that the use of its network and other third COMPANY arising under this not be done in a manner detrimental to the exclusive rights and privileges of OTE in voice telephony and the CLIENT said that is in full knowledge of the institutional framework for telecommunications, Community (90/388, 97/607 EU, etc.) and national (n.2246/94 etc.).
  19. COMPANY may refuse the registration materials or to request immediate removal if the same or any other internet user invoked in writing, that the contents sought registration or transfer violates the law (as a reference, the provisions of n.2251/94 "On consumer protection, of Law 2121/92 on copyright, the n.2472/95 for data protection, etc), morality and between them and those who shaped the society of the INTERNET , eg spamming practices or is contrary to NETIQUETTE (using the Internet Code of Conduct). H COMPANY also may request and the CUSTOMER is obliged to deliver the third license if the entry in content appears to be associated with intellectual property and rights of others. If the PARTNER ignore or deny the request and proceed with registration or comply with the request to remove the disputed material, or of the third license, it is established that the Company is entitled to open a temporary interruption of access to any technical device and refer the case to EETT to resolve the dispute under the rules on dispute settlement and synapodechontai synyposchontai that will now follow the parties. Registration can be made only after a decision by EETT, pursuant to the terms defined below and unless otherwise ordered like the courts. They further recognize that because of strict and failure COMPANY have this perception of the enormous volume of material directly to the public daily from INTERNET users through the technical process of direct registration (up load) or any other similar, o CUSTOMER assume obligation and promises that it will not enter, nor will handle illegal and harmful content and accepts that it is contractual and legal right of COMPANY to prevent any legal and technical means of entry or movement of such content. Even that will keep the company in any case change the content and assume sole responsibility for compliance with all relevant legislation, and recognizes that it is liable to compensate the COMPANY if the latter were considered responsible or jointly responsible to any extent. The copyright of any company owned development programs (scripts) to produce content like in any contract.
  20. Should judicial institute claims against the customer or partner of the Customer uses the service for the client and the general judicial involvement of the customer or partner in matters concerning the content or services provided by the Web Site and information services (eg for fraud, for breach, etc.), the company is obliged to immediate termination of hosting (Hosting) until correct this engagement.
  21. COMPANY unilaterally determine basic categories of charges, which are limited in the case are: Single right, annual or monthly fee, charge per unit of information conveyed, costs per unit of stored information services required by Virtual Domain Hosting, Virtual Mail Server, number virtual e-mails, FTP Server, Support for Primary DNS, and other possible charges to be listed either in Article 2 or the official website of COMPANY Also entitled to determine criteria for variations in pricing and possible discounts if and indicative based on the category of customer, type of use and other reasonable at its discretion. Pricing is based on services provided and identified on this or the services they are now but have been modified at a later time and reported just a simple email.
  22. Invoices are issued at the beginning of each semester or the beginning of each year depending on the price of the service. If the CUSTOMER exceeds the limits you will be entitled to charge the corporation to its customer the price of excess, as described on the official site of COMPANY In this case, the billing may be made by the company where, after previous update the CUSTOMER. The repayment of such debt shall be made within thirty (30) days from the date of the document. The company has the right to change under the conditions of the telecommunications legislation applicable tariffs for services provided, applicable two months after their announcement, which will set both the date and validity.
  23. Any dispute arising and the execution, application and interpretation of the COMPANY and the CUSTOMER agree synyposchontai that before resorting to the courts of Thessaloniki, defined as appropriate, should seek to resolve their dispute before the EETT.
  24. The modification of one or more of the conditions of this can be done only by written agreement COMPANY - CLIENT. These terms are single and indivisible whole which contains the entire agreement between the parties regarding the above described purpose, which is the order and no other agreement, oral or written, is to establish a relationship of the parties, and any existing repealed.
  25. If any part or provision of this decision annulled by the competent Court as not lawful, valid and enforceable, this will not affect the validity of the remaining provisions, which will remain valid and applicable.
  26. Charges for hosting the Web Site of the Server of CLIENT COMPANY made under each invoice, which may be amended once a year.
  27. The characteristics of the hosting package are encountered in this analytically. Where, the characteristics of the package the CLIENT is informed by the company and choose change class as they relate to official site of COMPANY
  28. COMPANY inform the client of the anniversary date for renewal of hosting (hosting) as described herein, thirty (30) days before the anniversary date. After notice and after the expiry of hospitality COMPANY may unilaterally to stop hosting the Web Site of the client and all relevant agencies, without any liability for direct or indirect damage that may result to the Client.
  29. The Company is entitled to terminate the hosting of the Web Site of the customer to terminate: a) from late payment of invoices, b) if the applicant fails to fulfill its obligations under all previous paragraphs or does not comply with the general terms of this, c) when it passed the anniversary date of payment and there has been renewed for payment.
  30. This is not in any way related to support and repair the internal computerization of the Customer, and telecommunication equipment used for Internet access and generally anything that is not related to the subject matter of this.
  31. Indicating responsibilities and obligations of the customer, it is understood that these include the responsibilities and obligations of customers of the Customer at its own risk should the CUSTOMER to have them met.
  32. This is not in any way related to the vesting, payment assistance, management and renewal of domain names (domain name) since this is the property of the Customer, unless agreed in writing between CLIENT and COMPANY.
  33. The CUSTOMER knows that some services (ie domain registration) will receive the email order and additional emails confirming the activation of the service.
  34. The CUSTOMER knows for certain services, how to confirm the activation of the service (For a domain name, that will be in the "Customers Area" > "My domains". For a hosting package that will be in the" Customers Area" > "My hosting packages". In these areas may consider the confirmation of service activation).
  35. The CUSTOMER, in any case, be responsible to monitor the proper execution of his order
Terms for change owner of a domain
The Customer states that responsible:
  • The data says is true and not knowingly violate the rights of third-party requested to register domain name
  • He wishes to make the necessary action in accordance with the submitted in this application
  • He knows that if a legal person, the person declaring the specific binding entity.
  • Not later than three days from the date of application should be sent by fax the following documents:
    1. Photocopy of the identity of the old and the new owner.
    2. If the owner (old or new) is a legal person, should send an official document of the company, stating its legal representative.
    Please note that failure to timely dispatch of the above documents, an automatic withdrawal of the request from the system.
  • He knows that some services (ie domain registration) will receive the email order and additional emails confirming the activation of the service.
  • He knows for certain services, how to confirm the activation of the service (For a domain name, that will be in the "Customers Area" > "My domains". For a hosting package that will be in the" Customers Area" > "My hosting packages". In these areas may consider the confirmation of service activation).
  • In any case, be responsible to monitor the proper execution of his order
Terms for domain backorder
The Customer responsibly declares that:
  • The information he/she declares is true and he/she does not knowingly violate the rights of third parties in the domain name requested for backorder.
  • He wishes the required action to be taken in accordance with the information submitted in this application.
  • He/She knows that the backorder process does not guarantee the registration of the domain name, but that an attempt will be made to register it on the expiration date plus the days of registration protection for the name.
  • He/She knows that in the event of successful registration of the domain name, the price paid corresponds to the registration cost plus the cost of providing the backorder service.
  • He knows that in the event of failure to register the domain name, the fee paid is not refunded, but is credited to his account and can be used for future purchases from our online store.
  • He/She is aware that in the case of a legal entity, the declarant binds the specific legal entity.
  • He knows that the same domain name cannot be requested for backorder by other customers at the same time.
  • He/She is aware that in certain services (e.g. domain name registration), he/she will receive, in addition to the order email, additional emails confirming the activation of the service.
  • For certain services, he knows how to confirm the activation of the service (If it is a domain name, this will be found in the "Customer Area" > "My domains". If it is a hosting package, this will be found in the "Customer Area" > "My hosting packages". In these areas he can review the confirmation of the activation of the service).
  • In any case, he is responsible for checking the correct execution of his order.
Conditions for registration or renewal of domain name .gr
The Customer states that responsible:
  • The data says is true and not knowingly violate the rights of third-party requested to register domain name
  • He wishes to make the necessary action in accordance with the submitted in this application
  • He knows that if a legal person, the person declaring the specific binding entity.
  • For the registration or renewal of domain name with extension .gr for more than two years, knows that the process is gradual. That is initially register or renew up to 2 years, as permitted by regulation of the specific domain name extension and the remaining years are on hold until the next renewal permitted which is done automatically by this system until exhaustion applied for renewal years.
  • He knows that some services (ie domain registration) will receive the email order and additional emails confirming the activation of the service.
  • He knows for certain services, how to confirm the activation of the service (For a domain name, that will be in the "Customers Area" > "My domains". For a hosting package that will be in the" Customers Area" > "My hosting packages". In these areas may consider the confirmation of service activation).
  • In any case, be responsible to monitor the proper execution of his order
Conditions for registration or renewal of domain name .eu
The Customer states that responsible:
  • The data says is true and not knowingly violate the rights of third-party requested to register domain name
  • He wishes to make the necessary action in accordance with the submitted in this application
  • He knows that if a legal person, the person declaring the specific binding entity.
  • For the registration or renewal of domain name with extension .eu for more than five years, knows that the process is gradual. That is initially register or renew up to 5 years, as permitted by regulation of the specific domain name extension and the remaining years are on hold until the next renewal permitted which is done automatically by this system until exhaustion applied for renewal years.
  • He knows that some services (ie domain registration) will receive the email order and additional emails confirming the activation of the service.
  • He knows for certain services, how to confirm the activation of the service (For a domain name, that will be in the "Customers Area" > "My domains". For a hosting package that will be in the" Customers Area" > "My hosting packages". In these areas may consider the confirmation of service activation).
  • In any case, be responsible to monitor the proper execution of his order
Conditions for registration or renewal of domain name
The Customer states that responsible:
  • The data says is true and not knowingly violate the rights of third-party requested to register domain name
  • He wishes to make the necessary action in accordance with the submitted in this application
  • He knows that if a legal person, the person declaring the specific binding entity.
  • For the registration or renewal of domain name with extension for more than two years, knows that the process is gradual. That is initially register or renew up to 2 years, as permitted by regulation of the specific domain name extension and the remaining years are on hold until the next renewal permitted which is done automatically by this system until exhaustion applied for renewal years.
  • He knows that some services (ie domain registration) will receive the email order and additional emails confirming the activation of the service.
  • He knows for certain services, how to confirm the activation of the service (For a domain name, that will be in the "Customers Area" > "My domains". For a hosting package that will be in the" Customers Area" > "My hosting packages". In these areas may consider the confirmation of service activation).
  • In any case, be responsible to monitor the proper execution of his order
General terms of product sale
The Customer states that responsible:
  • The data says is true and not knowingly violate the rights of third-party requested to register domain name
  • He wishes to make the necessary action in accordance with the submitted in this application
  • He knows that if a legal person, the person declaring the specific binding entity.
  • Aware that some services (ie domain registration) will receive the email order and additional emails confirming the activation of the service.
  • He knows for certain services, how to confirm the activation of the service (For a domain name, that will be in the "Customers Area" > "My domains". For a hosting package that will be in the" Customers Area" > "My hosting packages". In these areas may consider the confirmation of service activation).
  • In any case, be responsible to monitor the proper execution of his order
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